09 September 2009

Jack is 15 months!

It's hard to believe that my little pumpkin is already 15 months old! How did this happen???

We went to the Pediatrician last week and he had two vaccines plus the flu shot. Other then being a bit grumpy that evening our pumpkin is back to normal.

He's growing like a weed!

He is 31 inches tall; although he wouldn't lay still for the nurse to meausre and he was 30.75 just 3 months ago so I'm sure he's much taller. 46%

He weighs just 23lb and 12 oz. He only gained 1 lb since his 12 month check up! 38% - I guess this means he should weigh more but he's really active so no worries plus he eats very good!

His head cicumference is the same at 19 inches which is remarkable it hasn't gotten bigger over time. 80%

He's absoultely priceless!

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