15 June 2009

Doctors x3

This weekend started out on a bad foot…my husband had a horrible headache and/or migraine that started on Wednesday and continued till he went to a Walk In Clinic on Friday after work. Luckily he only has a sinus infection!

All last week our son, Jack had been fighting a new tooth coming in or so we thought, yes he got his 5th tooth in but then he hadn’t been eating, then diarrhea, some vomiting, he was taking longer naps, and he wasn’t active. Then he started with a fever here and there then Friday morning he woke up with a rash on his face, neck and chest which quickly spread to his arm, back and bottom. Saturday morning I ended up taking him a Children Walk In Clinic. The doctor said that she suspected he has Roseola.

June 2009 004

Isn’t he just precious?

Last night after a long day, all I wanted to do is be with my boys and put Jack to bed. However I started to pick up a few things around the living room and apparently I picked up scissors and didn’t know it and they fell point down onto my toe. Ouch! It bleed and bleed. My husband quickly called my parents to have them come watch Jack so we could go to the hospital. I ended up getting a tenuous shot and a small piece of tape to keep the wound closed. I would have been better off with a band aid as the tape didn’t keep my wound from bleeding!

Needless to say we had a splendid weekend and now we wait for our insurance to pay or not pay our medical bills.

1 comment:

  1. Ouch Ouch Ouch!!! I feel your pain. Sounds like you're having the same kind of week as me. At least you had a nice weekend. Insurance stinks. Here's to another weekend that can't be any worse than the last!
